Neighbourhood Plan

March 2024

Shropshire Council adopted the Neighbourhood Development Plan on 21st March 2024.   The Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for Shropshire.   Further information can be found on the Decision Statement.

Decision Statement – Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan


December 2023

Neighbourhood Development Plan – Referendum Result

The votes have been counted and over 84% of votes were in favour of the proposal. The next step is for Shropshire Council to adopt the Neighbourhood Development Plan at their Full Council meeting in February 2024.

NDP Declaration of Results


November 2023

On the 18th October 2023 the Shropshire Council Cabinet resolved to approve a referendum regarding the Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Referendum will take place on Thursday 7 December 2023 where residents of Cleobury Mortimer Parish, will be asked – “Do you want Shropshire Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Cleobury Mortimer to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” Residents will receive polling cards from Shropshire Council Electoral Services and the designated polling station will be the Parish Hall, Church Street.

Further information can be found on the Shropshire Council website Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan | Shropshire Council


August 2023

The Independent Examiner has now assessed the plan. The Examiner has decided that the NDP meets the basic conditions and it can proceed to a referendum with some modifications to be made.  The Examiner’s Report and all NDP documents are available on Shropshire Council’s website

Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Plan | Shropshire Council

The next step is for the amended plan to go to Shropshire Council Cabinet on 18th October 2023

May 2023

The Regulation 16 consultation was completed in early March 2023 and the next step will be the appointment of an independent examiner who will assess the plan to ensure it meets the statutory requirements. We are hoping this will commence in June 2023 with the final report submitted to Shropshire Council in September.

Once the findings from the examiner have been addressed, the NDP will go to a public referendum organised by Shropshire Electoral Services. The referendum must achieve a simple majority public vote in order to become law and part of Shropshire’s Local Plan and we are hoping this will take place towards the end of 2023.

January 2023

NDP Reg 16 Notice

November 2022


SEA REGULATION 14 MAY 2022 (For Publication)





July 2022



May 2022





January 2022

Assessment methodology for Cleobury Mortimer NDP Call for Sites Jan 2022 Refresh


Cleobury Mortimer Town Council are looking for sites for inclusion in the Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). Shropshire Council has identified the need for 120 new homes in Cleobury Mortimer up to 2038. The Town Council want to ensure that the best sites come forward and have opted to allocate the land through a community led Neighbourhood Development Plan rather than allow Shropshire Council to select sites which may not offer community benefits. This is a repeat of the exercise carried out in August 2021 due to a review informed by concerns raised by Shropshire Planning and the Highways Authority resulting in none of the sites submitted being suitable. The selection criteria have been amended to reflect the requirements of the Shropshire Local Plan and the advice from the Highways Authority. Ideally, we are seeking land of around 6 ha which will be sufficient for 120 homes, provide public open space, an area for town cemetery expansion and wildlife improvements. This is a very important initiative for our community and we are looking for willing landowners to come forward with proposals for land that they think will be suitable to ensure a good outcome for our community in coming decades. If you think you have a site that might be suitable, please visit the Neighbourhood Plan page on the Cleobury Mortimer Town Council website ( to view the Assessment Methodology document which sets out necessary information. The consultation will run for three weeks starting on Thursday, 27th January 2022, and closing at 5:00pm on Thursday, 17th February 2022. Submissions received (via email or post) after this deadline will not be included in the next stage of the process.

September 2021

NDP Landowner Sites Submitted Sep 2021

Neighbourhood Plan Announcement:

Cleobury Mortimer Town Council are looking for sites for inclusion in the Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan. Shropshire Council has identified a need for another 120-130 houses in Cleobury up to 2038. The Town Council want to ensure that the best sites come forward and have opted to allocate the land in the NDP rather than leave the job to Shropshire Council. In its confidential meeting on 13 July 2021, ratified formally in the Full Council meeting of 2 August, the Town Council agreed a motion to suspend the current Regulation 14 Draft of the Cleobury Mortimer Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Town Council are concerned about the possible withdrawal of one site, and the traffic impact of other current sites that the NDP may give rise to and therefore there shall be a new “call for sites” in support of the NDP, followed by another regulation 14, to be organised by the steering group. Ideally, we are seeking land of at least 6.5 ha plus additional provision of open spaces and wildlife improvements. The Town will also need additional land for Cemetery space to ensure we have sufficient capacity for the next 100 years. This is a very important initiative for our community and we are looking for willing landowners to come forward with proposals for land that they think will be suitable to ensure a good outcome for our community in coming decades. If you think you have a site that might be suitable, please visit the Neighbourhood Plan page on the Cleobury Mortimer Town Council website ( to view the Assessment Methodology document which sets out necessary information. The consultation will run for six weeks starting on Friday, 6 August 2021, and finishing at 12:00 midday on Friday, 17 September 2021. Submissions received (via email or post) after this deadline will not be included in the next stage of the process.

Cleobury Mortimer Call for Sites – Policies August 2021

Assessment methodology for Cleobury Mortimer NDP Call for Sites – August – September 2021 FINAL



Neighbourhood Plan Update  March 2020

At the March 2020 Town Council meeting, the Neighbourhood Plan Task and Finish Group’s recommendation to Council was agreed, having listened to the concerns of residents, land owners, Shropshire Planning and Highways and balanced and viable changes had been made to the plan. A motion was passed to proceed with drafting a revised Neighbourhood Development Plan for formal public consultation. The consultation will last at least 6 weeks and will commence as soon after early April as a draft can be agreed by the Town Council. We would like to thank everyone for their input and patience.

Neighbourhood Plan Update – November 2019

Following the publication of our outline Neighbourhood Plan for Cleobury in September, we have listened to the extensive  feedback from residents and we have been looking at viable alternatives to the plan put forward. Our next steps are to discuss those options with Shropshire Planning Department and then with land owners to find the best viable solution. This will take us up to mid-end  December before we can make a firm recommendation from the Neighbourhood Plan task and Finish Group back to the Town Council.

We would then publish our draft detailed plans and go through a 6 week consultation period with all parties including all residents before making any amendments and submitting our plans for further scrutiny as part of the overall Local Plan for Shropshire process.

Following the publishing of the outline Neighbourhood Plan in the Newsletter distributed around the 1st September we have seen and listened to on-line at and face to face comments at “drop in clinics” as requested on the 11/14 and 16th of September. Collectively their has been a huge response, many of the people who have come across the Neighbourhood Plan for the first time.  We have prepared some Frequently Asked Questions and their answers for those interested to view on-line at This round of community consultation closes on the 22nd September.
It has always been our intention over the last 2 years to seek residents and businesses opinions and preferences for development, meeting the needs for housing and industrial land of the right size and type within the targets set by County Planning. By choosing to do our own plan we can add in detailed local needs and strengthen our legal position and gain extra money from developers for community infrastructure improvements.
The Neighbourhood Planning team are therefore going to review the comments on our outline plan, its location and phasing of housing and industrial land and come back to Council and then residents with any reasonable adjustments or viable alternatives as a recommendation before writing up our detailed plan for submission and the more formal process of consultation. This will lead to around a 1 month delay to our current timetable.
A formal consultation to follow will involve access to the full detailed plan as well as distribution of a further Newsletter with summary maps and any key changes to our original proposals, if that proves to viable and deliverable. We will aim to make sure that these recommendations are communicated accurately and widely using all the communications channels at our disposal.
Any progress will be reported on  as well as information points in the town and where relevant Facebook.


NP Timeline consultation

Due to the number of concerns that have been raised about the Neighbourhood Plan the Town Council has asked the NP task group to arrange some open drop in sessions so that members of the community can come and ask questions about the plan face to face. Once we have the dates of these meetings they will be published on Facebook and on our website. We have attached some information in the interim that may answer some of the queries.

NP Newsletter Sept 2019

Cleobury Mortimer Map

Comment Form – Neighbourhood Plan

A message from the Neighbourhood Plan Task Group:
We have removed the map that was posted with the Neighbourhood Plan information. This map showed all the sites that were originally offered for development and most of them were rejected early on in the process because of their impact on the environment or lack of economic viability. It caused some confusion as these rejected sites were still visible on the map. Please refer to the newsletter which confirms the only sites currently being proposed.

The seven Wildlife Corridors of Cleobury are ancient natural features of trees, hedges and scrub that provide shelter, security, feeding and breeding grounds for many thousands of animal and plant species in and around the town. They enhance the local urban and rural landscape as well as human contact and knowledge of the wide and extensive biodiversity. The Neighbourhood Plan seeks to repair, replace and sustain these corridors in the face of change and Town  housing expansion.

NP Timeline Aug 2019

NP-Status Report May 2019

NP Status Report Feb 2019

Autumn 2018 Newsletter and Survey Results

NP Status Report Nov 2018

NP Status Report Oct 2018

NP Policy Summary 5th October 2018

NP status report September 2018

NP Status Report August 2018

NP Status report June 2018

NP Status Report March 2018

To complete the Neighbourhood Plan survey please click here 

NP Newsletter Spring 2018

NP Status Report February 2018



NP Status Report January 2018

NP Status Report November 2017

NP Status Report September 2017

NP Status Report August 2017

Volunteer role description Neighborhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan consultation